As the world and collective keep changing, do you?
Do you find yourself clinging to old ways of thinking, being, and perceiving?
Is it scary to let go?
We are moving out of homogeny and it’s time to let go of all “the shoulds.”
We’ve been conditioned to label and box ourselves and others so that we feel safe and secure. To make things “known.”
When you meet someone you find out their sex, relationship status, job status, how they eat, how they spend their time, etc.
As if this is the entirety of who this person is. As if they can be neatly put into these boxes.
Am I really just a woman, who’s married, who works at a yoga studio, who tends to mostly eat vegetarian, who enjoys nature and dancing?
I am not those things. I am not my job. I am not those labels.
Interests also change and peoples perception or labels of you tend not to change.
I know this because I moved back to a small town where some people knew me when I was in high school. They still have the same image of me, even though I am a completely different person.
I used to eat more vegan and now I listen to my body and eat meat when I want and need to, and people still can’t let go of the fact that I’m not vegan. They still want me to fit into a next box. Saying I’m not any of those labels is a bit agitating or confusing to people.
I am not what I eat! I am not what I do. I am a human being having an experience on this planet called earth. I change on a day to day basis. I don’t just have one avatar. I am multifaceted and so are you. The avatars receive upgrades, just like a computer. I am not version 1.0 any longer so please let go of that perception of me.
Do you really want to do all the things you do? Did you really want the 9-5 job, the house with the two car garage, the kids, the status, or was that programmed into you?
Not everyone is meant to be the same. We cannot all be lumped into one category.
We will never all be on the same page or have the same beliefs.
We are all different and unique and have different skills sets and gifts.
It’s ridiculous to try and convert someone into your way of living, thinking, and being. Let people be who they are!
Just because you feel really good at a corporate job doesn’t mean the next person will.
Some people have greater tolerance for small talk and politeness, I don’t.
You don’t have to guilt or shame someone because they aren’t like you.
People trying to be like “the stars” or appear to be a certain way, is not serving the world.
What we need is for people to be whoever they are. To take the time to tune into yourself and let let that shine.
Not being a copy cat of your parents, your mentor, or your guru.
Being brave to do the things you’d really like, even if they aren’t popular with your friend group or if it’s considered more radical in the area you live.
If it brings you joy and you have energy for it, do more of that.
In the future we might all live in communities that resonante with us.
There will be the hippies who have their drum circles, dancing, art, gardens, and creative expression.
There will be the scientists who are busy with their experiments and projects and meetings.
There will be more religious groups and political groups and each community and group is free live, be, and do whatever they desire.
No group is better than the other. They are just different. Each can have their own beliefs and ways of living. It is okay.
The overarching theme is acceptance. We accept that people are different and can live and be how they want. We do not force or try to change anyone. Each person lives within the place that works for them. And you are free to evolve and change.
So who are you and what do you truly desire?
How would you ideally be living your life? How would you like to show up in the world?
Does it match societies image or is it different? Do you place a bunch of “shoulds” on yourself?
It’s time to question the things we do, we say, and believe.
Asking WHY and sitting in stillness with yourself.
How can you show up authentically in the world?
How can you be YOU?
Only YOU know.
May you be free to be yourself and fuck those boxes.
Years ago I quit a good job, good pay, and took off across country in a used Dodge van. My father was beside himself. "How," he asked. "Could you do that?" In response, "I'm too young to die." Drumming circles, nude beaches, living in the redwoods, on the beach. Memories. What are your memories?